Ayudas Ecovivienda

Plan EcoVivienda What is it and how to apply?

Claudia Pardo

Claudia Pardo, Content Specialist at Sunhero and a firm believer that solar energy can transform the world.


If you live in Andalucia, you are in a privileged position. Not only do you enjoy more than 3,300 hours of sunshine a year, but you can also benefit from specific community subsidies, such as the EcoVivienda Plan, which will allow you to further reduce the investment in your solar panels.

What is the Ecovivienda plan?

The EcoVivienda Plan is an initiative promoted by the Junta de Andalucía to encourage energy refurbishment in residential buildings with the aim of reducing the carbon footprint.

With a budget of 614 million euros, this programme finances the installation of technologies such as photovoltaic, solar thermal, geothermal, biomass and aerothermal energy.

The deadline for applying for the EcoVivienda Plan’s housing renovation grants has been extended and will end in December 2024.

What subsidies does it offer?

Line 3: This line is aimed at the rehabilitation of residential buildings and the urbanisation or redevelopment of public spaces within Programmed Rehabilitation Residential Environments (ERRP). This programme can subsidise 40%, 65% or 80% of the total cost of the work, depending on the reduction in the use of non-renewable energies achieved, with a maximum amount of 18,500 euros per dwelling and half of the payment made in advance.

Line 4: This line grants aid of up to 40% of the cost of energy efficiency improvement works in dwellings, with a maximum of 3,000 euros and a minimum expected cost of 1,000 euros.

How to apply for subsidies for Plan EcoVivienda?

The application and processing of the EcoVivienda Plan grants can be done through the website of the Junta de Andalucía.

You will need to complete three forms available on the website and have the following documentation:

  • DNI, NIE or NIF.
  • Proof that the applicant legal entity is duly constituted.
  • Documentation accrediting ownership of the building or dwelling.
  • Project or report justifying the works to be carried out.
  • Responsible declaration or favourable assessment of suitability, ensuring that no environmental damage will be caused during the execution of the works.
  • Energy Efficiency Certificate for the building.
  • Copy of the minutes with the agreement of the owners’ association, if applicable.
  • Signed works contract and detailed budget.
  • Documents accrediting the eligible costs.
  • Photographic report of the areas affected by the works.

By following these steps, you will be able to manage your application and take advantage of the subsidies from the Plan EcoVivienda to improve the energy efficiency of your home.

Even so, if you carry out the installation with Sunhero, we can help you to process these subsidies, facilitating the whole process so that you can make the most of the benefits of the Plan.

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