Solar panels for homes

Solar panels for homes

Solar panels for homes: the best choice for your household

Solar panels for homes are one of the best investments you can make to lower your electricity bill and contribute to the environment. We explain here everything you need to know about solar panels for homes, the benefits of installing them in your household, and the approximate cost of installation. Discover how to start generating your own solar energy and make your home more sustainable with solar panels for homes!

Testimonials from satisfied customers with our solar installations for homes

Francisco, Girona

Francisco, 0€ electricity month after month
Quart, Girona

Sistem of 7 kWp

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I don’t pay any longer for electricity
Cotos de Monterrey, Madrid

Sistem 0f 4,56 kWp

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0€ Electricity bill from Manel

0€ Electricity bill from Manel
Llambiles, Girona

Sistema de 4,9 kWp

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Benefits of installing solar panels in your home

Installing solar panels in a home offers various key benefits that make photovoltaic energy an especially profitable investment, both economically and environmentally. Here are some of them:

Saving on your electricity bill:

From the very first month, you’ll start paying less on your bill, and in sunny months, you could even achieve a 0 bill. The excess energy you generate during sunnier months will be compensated with discounts from your supplier if you choose the right one. We can advise you!

Energy independence:

By installing solar panels at home, you will generate your own electricity and won’t have to worry about fluctuations in energy prices in the Spanish energy market.

Increases the value of your home:

Several studies indicate that homes with solar panels have a higher selling price and typically sell 20% faster than those without solar panels.

Renewable and sustainable energy:

Solar energy is a renewable and sustainable energy source. Generating electricity from sunlight reduces reliance on fossil fuels and helps mitigate climate change.

How much does it cost to install solar panels on a house?

The cost of installing solar panels on a home can vary significantly depending on several factors that affect the design, efficiency, and durability of the system. Here are some key elements that determine the final cost of a solar installation for your home:

System size: The number of panels needed to meet your home’s energy needs is one of the main factors affecting installation costs. The higher your energy consumption, the larger the system you’ll require. For instance, a detached house with high energy consumption may need a system of over 6 kW, whereas a home with moderate consumption might only need a system of around 3-4 kW. Each additional panel increases the cost, but also enhances energy generation capacity, which can lead to greater long-term savings.

Type of solar panel: Choosing high-quality, efficient panels may involve a higher initial cost, but over time, this results in greater energy production, less degradation, and a better return on investment.

Installation and maintenance costs: Installation costs can vary depending on the warranties offered and the materials needed to ensure a safe and effective installation. At Sunhero, we stand out for the quality of our installations compared to competitors. If you’d like more technical details, we’d be happy to discuss them with you.

Solar battery, yes or no: The decision will depend on your individual circumstances and budget. We provide expert advice to help you make the best-informed choice.

On average, the cost of a solar panel installation for a home can range between 6,000 and 18,000 euros, depending on the system specifications and the size of the property.

How to choose the best solar panels for your home

Choosing the right solar panels for your home depends on factors such as:

Energy consumption of your household: This will depend on the number of appliances you use, the size of your home, and the number of people living in it. Understanding your energy consumption will help you determine how many solar panels you need to cover most (or all) of your energy demand. It’s also important to consider whether you plan to increase your consumption in the future, such as purchasing new appliances or installing a heating and cooling system.

Available space for installation: The available space on your roof or surface where the solar panels will be installed is crucial in determining the type and number of panels you can install. A large, well-oriented roof may allow for more or larger panels, increasing energy generation capacity. If space is limited, you may need to opt for high-efficiency panels that generate more energy in a smaller area. It is also important to consider whether there are obstructions such as chimneys or antennas that may limit the usable space for installation.

Industrial photovoltaic installation

Roof orientation and angle: The orientation and angle of your roof play a crucial role in the efficiency of solar panels. In the northern hemisphere, south-facing panels usually receive the most sunlight throughout the day, while an inclination angle of 30 to 40 degrees is generally ideal for maximising sunlight capture. If your roof does not have the optimal orientation or tilt, additional adjustments, such as mounting structures, may be required to improve solar capture.

Budget and personal preferences: There are various types of solar panels, ranging from more affordable options, such as polycrystalline panels, to more efficient and durable ones, like monocrystalline panels. While higher-efficiency panels tend to be more expensive, they can offer a better return on investment in the long run due to greater energy production. It’s also important to consider other personal preferences, such as the aesthetic appeal of the panel or the environmental impact of the materials used.

Discover the solar panel models we work with here. To help you choose the solar panels that best suit your home, we offer a free consultation. Our experts will assess the specific needs of your property, considering these factors, and provide you with a personalised quote that enables you to make an informed and optimised decision to maximise savings and energy efficiency for your home.

Steps to install solar panels in your home

Instalación fotovoltaica casas

If you are considering taking a step towards the future of renewable energy by installing a photovoltaic system in your home, these are the main steps you should follow:

Initial assessment: Before installing solar panels in your home, it’s important to analyse your energy consumption history and gather data about the conditions of the installation site, such as potential shading, tilt, and solar orientation of the roof or available surface. This assessment will provide the foundation for designing a solar system tailored to your home’s specific needs.

Custom photovoltaic system study: The system design should be customised, taking into account the distribution of the available roof space and the required generation capacity to maximise the efficiency of the residential installation. At Sunhero we will provide you with a unique study tailored to your needs, free of cost and without commitment.

Technical visit to assess project feasibility: Before proceeding with the installation of the photovoltaic system in your home, a technical visit is crucial to ensure the project’s feasibility. During this visit, all key aspects are reviewed to ensure the project’s success and the optimal performance of the installation.

System installation: This is the physical installation process of the solar panels in your home. It includes the placement of mounting structures according to the previous design and securing the solar panels in place. Once the installation is complete, the photovoltaic system will begin generating energy for your home.

Documentation and system legalisation procedures: The legalisation of the system is an essential step for any photovoltaic installation in a home. This process involves submitting technical documentation and obtaining the necessary permits to ensure a safe and efficient connection to the electrical grid. We will support you and guide you through this step!

Maintenance: Regular maintenance is crucial for the optimal performance of your home’s solar system. This includes periodic inspections, cleaning the panels, and addressing any issues that arise to ensure efficient and long-lasting operation.

Generate your own energy

Generate your own energy

Become independent from utility companies by generating and consuming your own renewable energy.
Reduce your bill to £0

Reduce your bill to €0

Lower your electricity bill and stop worrying about rising energy prices.
Protect the planet

Protect the planet

Reduce your CO2 emissions and contribute to creating a better future for our planet.

We analyse the profitability of solar panels for homes with real customer examples in this video